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Throughout the whole process of planning, creating and evaluating my music video I needed to record and show my thought process and progress. For this I used as it can be made to look professional, clear and organized. It is also easy to refer back to previous posts for reference.

On Wordpress I have been able to upload images and embed videos from Youtube and presentations from

A search engine was vital for my research as well as searching for inspiration. This mainly consisted of Google and quickly allowed me to find useful pages.

I found myself on many Indie Bands' websites such as: &

As well as producer/record label websites:

I found inspiration from artists' websites too:






I have used many times during my coursework as it is incredibly slick and makes it easy to display any research. It is fun to use and allowed me to be creative when presenting any ideas I have. hasbeen outstandingly useful in nearly all aspects of my coursework. I spent hours watching music videos on Youtube. Firstly to learn common conventions of music videos and the for inspiration. It was useful to acknowledge audience's responses to different music videos by looking at the comments left by other Youtube users.

I used Youtube to upload my research videos to the internet, allowing me to then insert them into my blog. 

Finally I was able to upload my music video to Youtube and allow others to view it and comment. I was able to view the statistics of my viewers which was helpful for my evaluation.


I have used such a vast number of websites in the process of creating my video that it is difficult to record them all. In the research stages I flicked from one website to the next so quuickly trying to broaden my knowledge and understanding of music video and genre conventions.

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